Dungeon Tactics is out now and available!
No dice. No cards. No tokens. No bets. No randomness. There is only you and your enemies. Can you outwit them? All Tactics. All Strategies. No Chance. Dungeon Tactics is a dungeoncrawler that is all about player skill. With no dice or any other random number generation, the only thing that will ensure your success is the tactics and strategies you use. Can you choose the right actions, with the right abilities, at the right time, against the right targets? It sounds simple, but don’t be deceived. Every enemy that comes at you will auto-hit you with every attack and ability (just like you do to them), so you have to make
Sigil Emporium – The Cerulean Conch
They say that he who rules the waves, rules the sea. The Cerulean Conch is the symbol of office for the King of the Ocean, and also his greatest weapon. The first king of the ocean was said to be the son of the ocean herself, and thus be half man-half fish. He was the undisputed ruler of everywhere the seas touched. Yet all good things must come to an end, and the king’s reign ended, and his underwater kingdom fell to ruin. Thus began the Conch’s long passage through history. Pirate captains built huge fleets with its power; and admirals conquered coastline after coastline by using it. Kings depended on
Sigil Emporium – Iconoclast’s Net
To some, the chance to dream is an escape from the world into a land of pure fantasy, a place of limitless imagination where you can be as free as your heart’s desire. To others, dreams are portals into another universe, a harsh aetherial reality, where attacks can come at any moment, and you are left unprepared. To these people, dreams are like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. One of these paranoid men was called the Iconoclast. He did all he could to shut his mind, and reality itself, from the aetherial plane he knew is preparing to overthrow the mortal plane. Imagination and dreams, he believed, were
Sigil Emporium – Staff of the Mad Poet
There once was a criminally insane poet, who rhymed all his life as he knew it. They said his vocabulary was quite small, yet he cared none at all, for there was nothing he would do to prove it. It was a dark and stormy night, when a devil gave him quite a fright. The devil said he would do well, if his soul the poet would sell, then his words would shine with dazzling light. His name spread far and wide, through all the lands and across the tides. Yet his end did draw near, and of his soul he did fear, for to the devil he would have to
Sigil Bestiary – The Golem
If we are created in the image of the divine, then what does that say about our creations? For as long as man has had the will do to so, he has attempted to make a legacy to his will that will last forever, a creation in his own image. Every now and then, some madman succeeds in this vain quest. Whether through alchemy, technology, arcane rights, or devilish sorcery, the Golems that have been created have never had the intended effect that their masters have hoped for. Eventually, and inevitably, each and every single one has turned on his creator and run amok. Golems are obsessed with humanity, whether for