Magic Mondays

A tad late but it’s better late than never as they say! This week’s array is for those of you who prefer to get up close and personal to your foes. This week we give you the Furnace Fist array. Notation: Create Fire if Animal or Wood or Stone or Iron is present within the […]
Magic Mondays

With The Runed Age Corebook out now for nearly a month and doing well, its time to show the benefits of discretion with this week’s array. This week we give you the Death’s Whisper array. Notation: Create a Containment Field that excludes Light and Sound if Sound exceeding 140 Decibels is present in the array’s […]
Magic Mondays

This week on Magic Mondays we give you an array that is sure to annoy and irritate your enemies to death. This week we give you the Splinter array. Notation: Sustain the Pulling of Humans Description: The array is fairly simple to understand, but the ingenuity comes not from its design, but from its use. […]
Magic Mondays

This week on Magic Mondays we give you an array that will bring a little art to your life in Middelburg. This week we give you the Sculptor array. Notation: Transmute, an area 200 times the area of the array, Human into Stone if Human Blood is present. Description: Not everyone can be a sculptor […]
Magic Mondays

With the Runed Age’s release off to a rocking start and so many of you already enjoying it, this week’s array is one that will make your lives so much easier. This week we give you the God’s Razor array. Notation: Create a Containment field Twice as large as the array, with a depth One […]
Magic Mondays!

Only one day left before the Runed Age releases! And with that, our last runic array before release will be one that will surely come in handy after tomorrow for all your characters’ secret plots and secret plans. This week we give you the Blessed Solitude array. Notation: Create a Containment Field in the shape […]
Magic Mondays

With the Runed Age corebook releasing next week, we’re bringing you another array that will help you in your first days in the metropolitan madhouse that is Middelburg. This week we give you the Mock Turtle array. Notation: Create a Dome of Stone ten times as wide across as the array that excludes Cold. Description: […]
Magic Mondays

With the release of The Runed Age little more than two weeks away, it behoves us to prepare you for your journey into the stone jungle of Middelburg. With that in mind, this week we give you the Star Flare array. Notation: Create a disk of Light and Push that light disk at a speed […]
Magic Mondays

This week on Magic Mondays, we show you an array that may well save your characters’ lives more than any other array. This week we give you the Hospitaller’s Respite Notation: Stop, in an area size of the array with a depth 1/100th the diameter of the array, Blood. Description: The Runed Age is a […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an array that shows something you can often forget: that there is more uses for arrays than just in combat. This week’s array is the Hide and Seek array. Notation: Create Light ten times the size of the runic array if a Human is present and Contain […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you something completely different: an array that doesn’t work. This week’s array’s name isn’t short, sweet, or even a pun. It is called “The Runegiver and His Companions” Notation: In the centrum: Bür. For the loci, clockwise from the top: The two Brothers Riada, the Golden Pugilist, the […]
Magic Mondays

This week’s array will be something completely different and, in fact, it will have nothing to do with the Runed Age whatsoever. This week we bring you the tried and tested Fireball Spell. Notation: Create and Contain a Ball of Fire and Push it at a speed of 32 m/s from the Right Hand. Description: […]
Magic Mondays – Video!
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you a little something extra. We finished our video series on the Runed Age’s magic system last time, but this time we wanted to give you something that you can use in your own homebrewed games. The Runed Age’s magic system is a written system, it isn’t made […]
Magic Mondays

Right on the heels of last week’s array we bring you one of the many arrays that are banned in the city of Middelburg, and for good reason. This week we bring you the Walking Bomb array. Notation: Transmute Human, of a size 100 times that of the array, into Stone; and Push Stone at […]
Magic Mondays… err… Fridays!

Even though we did give you something amazing for Magic Mondays this week, we do still owe you an array! This Week we give you Bür’s Grace. Notation: Create a Large Containment field that excludes Humans if Humans are present within a tenth of the array. Description: Named after the legendary figure who gave humanity […]