Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we continue with our now-trilogy of piratic arrays. This week we give you the Blue Rose’s Kiss array. Notation: Create Air of a volume ten times that of the array’s area if Water is present and Cool Air at a rate of 16 degrees Celsius per second. Description: It is […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we give you the must-have array for any pirate and privateer. This week we give you the Seawalker array. Notation: (Sustain the) Stop Water of a size ten thousand times the area of the array if the array’s area of effect is completely filled with Water. Description: To kill two […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we take you onto the not-quite-so-high seas for a bit of swashbuckling. This week we give you the Fathomer array. Notation: Create 100 lumens of Light per cm2 if Stone is within a distance of 1000 times the array’s circumference. Description: Well “swashbuckling” may have been a bit of an […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an array that will give you that peace and quiet you always wanted. This week we bring you the Quiet Peace Array. Notation: Stop Time within an area 100 times that of the array’s circumference and exclude from this Humans, Air, Sound and Light. Description: Bad things […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an array that will help you make the most of your Sigils. This week we bring you the Resting Helper Array. Notation: Push Stone at a speed of 0.5m/s to a height 10 times the array’s circumference if Stone is present within an area 10 times the […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an array that speaks about the moral heart of a person. This week we bring you the Friendly Warning Array. Notation: Create 1000 Lumens of Light per square centimetre if a Human is within ten times the size of the array’s diameter. Description: Not every trap has […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an explosive array that can much more than just save your life. This week we bring you the Mirror Shot Array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Iron of a size 100 times smaller than the array and Push that Iron at […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays we bring you something intricate, complex and hopefully as useful as it is pretty. This week we bring you the Riptide Array Notation: Float (within an area starting from ten times the array’s diameter to one hundred and ninety times the array’s diameter) Human and Push (within an area starting […]
Magic Mondays

This week on Magic Mondays we bring a blast from the past, a type of array not seen since we released our four part video on how to create arrays. This week we bring you another spell, another incantation. This week we bring you the Moonlight Candle spell. Notation: Create a Sphere of Light as […]
Magic Mondays

One step closer to the first release of the Journal of Array Designs and this week we show you another array that you can find in there. This week we give you the Quicksilver Mettle array. Notation: Transmute Human into Mercury if Human Blood is present and Contain that transmutation. Description: Ever saw a man […]
Magic Mondays

This week we give you a sneak peak at a very important array that will be used in the Ruined City, the first campaign for the Runed Age coming out in June. This week we give you The Prophet’s Blood Array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Water. Create Light […]
Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays, we bring you an explosive defensive array. Today we give you the Flame Ward array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Fire and Push the Fire at a speed of 4m/s. The Fire excludes Water. Description: An unsubtle name for an unsubtle array. The Flame […]
Magic Mondays

There are many ways to kill an enemy in The Runed Age and most of these are cruel and inhumane… and here’s one more to add to that list! This week we give you the Hatchling array. Notation: Create a cylinder of Iron as wide as the array’s circumference and 100 times as tall if […]
Magic Mondays

For Magic Mondays this week there will be no devious offensive arrays or cruel bombs, but rather a tool that you can use in your games. This week we give you the Phantom Cell array. Notation Top Array: Send Human within an area twice the size of the array, if Antimony and Sulphur is present. […]
Magic Mondays

The arrays can do beautiful and wonderful things, but they can be deadly, cruel, and horrifying as well. This week we show you a dark side of the arrays. This week we give you the Crypt’s Breath array. Notation: Create Arsenic if Stone is present within the area of the array’s effects and Heat Arsenic […]