Inhuman Fridays!

Last week we had brawns, this week we have brains as we continue with series of character sheets looking at the Inhumans who began the Great War nearly 2000 years ago. When playing as the Inhumans, remember that the runes and arrays were given to humans only, meaning that while the Inhumans could draw and […]

Our first Q&A

We just finished our first Q&A over at RPGnet IRC, hosted by the amazing Dan Davenport. Click here to have a read and tell us what you think!

Magic Mondays

This week on Magic Mondays we bring a blast from the past, a type of array not seen since we released our four part video on how to create arrays. This week we bring you another spell, another incantation. This week we bring you the Moonlight Candle spell. Notation: Create a Sphere of Light as […]

Inhuman Fridays

This week we go from small and furry to large and slimy as we continue with series of character sheets looking at the Inhumans who began the Great War nearly 2000 years ago. When playing as the Inhumans, remember that the runes and arrays were given to humans only, meaning that while the Inhumans could […]

Milestone reached!

We are very glad to announce that we have broken the 50 sales mark! We have now sold over 50 copies of The Runed Age and have had dozens upon dozens of downloads of the Character Sheets and, already, the Journal of Array Design. We want to thank you, the fans, for your support and […]

The Journal is released!

For Magic Mondays this week we give you absolutely everything! That’s right, all the arrays we have ever released on social media (and a few we haven’t yet) have been nicely packaged just for you in the Journal of Array Design Volume 1.And it’s absolutely free! So head on over to DriveThruRPG or click here […]

Inhuman Fridays

This week we continue with series of character sheets looking at the Inhumans who began the Great War nearly 2000 years ago. When playing as the Inhumans, remember that the runes and arrays were given to humans only, meaning that while the Inhumans could draw and use the runes, there wouldn’t have been much of […]

Magic Mondays

One step closer to the first release of the Journal of Array Designs and this week we show you another array that you can find in there. This week we give you the Quicksilver Mettle array. Notation: Transmute Human into Mercury if Human Blood is present and Contain that transmutation. Description: Ever saw a man […]

Inhuman Fridays

This week we continue with series of character sheets looking at the Inhumans who began the Great War nearly 2000 years ago. When playing as the Inhumans, remember that the runes and arrays were given to humans only, meaning that while the Inhumans could draw and use the runes, there wouldn’t have been much of […]

Coming Soon!

Before we get to The Ruined City coming out in June, we’ve got another release coming soon to DriveThruRPG just for you! The Journal of Array Design will collect every array we have posted thus far in a neat and tidy pdf format, categorised for your convenience. If you have ever thought about using the […]

Magic Mondays

This week we give you a sneak peak at a very important array that will be used in the Ruined City, the first campaign for the Runed Age coming out in June. This week we give you The Prophet’s Blood Array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Water. Create Light […]

Inhuman Fridays!

This week we begin a new series of character sheets for you and, due to popular demand, we are taking a look at the Inhumans who began the Great War nearly 2000 years ago. Only one of the six Inhuman species still survive to this day, the giant Ogres, but if you are keen on […]

Magic Mondays

This week for Magic Mondays, we bring you an explosive defensive array. Today we give you the Flame Ward array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Fire and Push the Fire at a speed of 4m/s. The Fire excludes Water. Description: An unsubtle name for an unsubtle array. The Flame […]

Animal Fridays!

Today is the last of our Animal Friday series where we give you some animal character options that you can use in your games. First we gave you man’s mighty steed, then we gave you man’s valiant hound and last week we gave you man’s ferocious foe. This week, us humans become the predator. This […]

Magic Mondays

There are many ways to kill an enemy in The Runed Age and most of these are cruel and inhumane… and here’s one more to add to that list! This week we give you the Hatchling array. Notation: Create a cylinder of Iron as wide as the array’s circumference and 100 times as tall if […]