Hiatus and Preview
Wedding bells will be a-ringing this weekend and honeymoon bliss follow on its heels, so we here will be taking a short hiatus and will be back to deliver all the content you know and love in November. Until then, we have this preview for you: The Stealth Module! This will be the first module […]
Magic Mondays – Stink Bomb
While it’s not an Offensive Array, this week’s array is sure to cause offence. This week we show you the Stink Bomb array. Notation: Create Sulphur if Stone is present; Contain the Sulphur; Create the effected of a Sustained Fire and apply this effect to the Sulphur if Stone is present. Class: Utility Description: This […]
The Ruined Souls – Now on DriveThruRPG
The Ruined City is the first campaign released for The Runed Age setting and to get you started unlocking its mysteries and surviving its horrors, we have put together eight premade characters that have been tailored specifically to the Ruined City and the entire Ruined Man saga. To survive in a Ruined City you need […]
Magic Mondays – Footmen’s Signet
Back to our regular schedule this week and with it we give you another template based array. This week we show you the Footmen’s Signet array. Notation: Create ?????? if Human is present within a space the diameter of the array and 1% as deep.. Class: Offence/Utility Description: Just like with the Remote Trap array, […]
Magic Friday – Kaín’s Canteen
It might be a delayed Magic Mondays, but don’t think we wouldn’t let you go a week without your weekly magic fix. This week we show you the Kaín’s Canteen array. Notation: Create Water in shape of a disk as wide as the array and 1/10th the array’s diameter in height if there is not […]
Zombie Monday! – Introducing Z-Land
Instead of Magic Mondays this week, we give you a the first look at a project we’ve been working on with our good friend Rycon for quite some time now. The video above says it better than I ever can, so sit back and enjoy! If you like what you see, you can check out […]
The Ruined Souls
The Ruined City, is more than just a campaign, more than a series of adventures. It is a the beginning of a tale of humanity; of what we are when no one is looking; of how we behave in time of crises and panic; of our resilience, our kindness, our brutality and our empathy. In […]
Magic Mondays – Pocket Staff
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you a magic trick that is sure to make audiences fall flat on their faces. This week we show you the Pocket Staff array. Notation: Create, if no Iron is present, Wood in the shape of a pillar with a diameter equal to the array’s and with a […]
Runed Age on sale!
To celebrate the release of the Sigil System, the Runed Age corebook will be on sale for half price for the next week! Get in quick while the sale lasts!
The Ruined Souls
The Ruined City, is more than just a campaign, more than a series of adventures. It is a the beginning of a tale of humanity; of what we are when no one is looking; of how we behave in time of crises and panic; of our resilience, our kindness, our brutality and our empathy. In […]
The Sigil System and GLYPH is released!
The Sigil System and GLYPH is now officially released! All the hard work, blood, sweat and tears have finally culminated in two good looking products you can now find on DriveThruRPG and both are 100% just for you. CLICK HERE to grab The Sigil System, the backbone, the heart, the engine of the Runed Age […]
Magic Mondays – Meta
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you perhaps the most meta runic array ever. This week we show you the Stormforge Productions array. Notation: Stormforge Productions affected by The Runed Age in turn affected by The Sigil System modified by GLYPH. Description: With the release of the Sigil System and GLYPH literally only days […]
The Ruined Souls
The Ruined City, is more than just a campaign, more than a series of adventures. It is a the beginning of a tale of humanity; of what we are when no one is looking; of how we behave in time of crises and panic; of our resilience, our kindness, our brutality and our empathy. In […]
Sigil and GLYPH out next week!
Only one more week till the release of the Sigil System and GLYPH! It’s not long now. Next week you will be able to have both the Sigil System and GLYPH for absolutely free! In the mean, check our Publisher’s Page over on DriveThruRPG to see what we already have on offer, keep it bookmarked […]
Magic Mondays – Gilded Touch
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an incantation that can help bring a shine to your world.. This week we show you the Gilded Touch incantation. Notation: Transmute Animals and Plants into Gold and Contain this transmutation to the circumference of the array and as deep as 1/100th the diamater of the array. […]