Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you a defensive array that is sure to cover all bases. This week we show you the Imperial Zephyr array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Cold, Iron, Lead, Tin, Silver, Wood, Fire, Stone and Water into Air. Description: Simple and straightforward, as all the old arrays are. And just as […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you another array that is ubiquitous and yet invisible. This week we show you the Firestarter array. Notation: Create and Sustain a Fire if Wood is not present and Contain that Fire to the boundary of the array. Description: A wise man once said that the greatest of […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an icy array that will help get you out of tight spots. This week we show you the Ice Bomb array. Notation: Create Water in an area 200 times the size of the array and Cool it at a rate of 64 Degrees Celsius per second if […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you a masterclass in runic array design. This week we show you the Aspect of Woudas array. Notation: Apply the effect of a Created, Sustained Fire that excludes Heat onto Humans within an area 100 times greater than the area of the array. Description: The Aspect of Woudas […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we bring you a defensive array that promises to always deliver right on time. This week we show you the Steel Dragon array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into a disk of Iron with twice the area size of the array and with a depth […]
Magic Mondays
For Magic Mondays this week we give you an array that could quite literally save you in the nick of time. This week we show you the Time Saver array. Notation: Stop Time, in an area as wide across as the array with a depth one tenth the array’s diameter, if Fire, Iron, Wood, Gold, […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we give you an array to control the battlefield! This week we give you the Icestone array. Notation: Transmute Stone to Water if Stone is present and Cool Water at a rate of 16 degrees Centigrade per second. Description: A wise man once said that if you can control the […]
Magic Mondays
For Magic Mondays this week we don’t have an array to show you. Instead we have ALL the arrays to show you. Earlier this year we released the Journal of Array Design for free on DriveThruRPG. We collected and curated all the runic arrays we had released up until that point in one free PDF […]
Magic Mondays
With The Ruined City released, it behoves us to make sure you are as protected as can be when out on the dangerous streets of Middelburg. This week we give you the Swift Shining Judgement array. Notation: Transmute Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tin and Wood into Silver and put on the Silver the effect […]
Magic Mondays
With The Ruined City just released, this week we are giving you a way to maximise the effects of the arrays you already have. This week we give you the Remote Trap array-mod. Notation: Top Array: Create Sulphur if a Human is present within the array’s field of effect and Send that Sulphur. Bottom Array: […]
Magic Mondays
The Ruined City adventure out in two days, we thought we’d help you prepare for what is to come with the only array that will save your life 100% of the time. This week we give the Vanity’s Tomb array. Notation: Stop Time, excluding Light, in a Domed area 100 times the array’s size and […]
Magic Mondays
This week for Magic Mondays we put the power of the gods in your very own hands. This week we show you the Thunderstruck incantation. Notation: Create Lightning in an area Contained to the circumference of the array and to a length one million times that of the array’s diameter. Apply to this the effect […]
Magic Mondays
We stay on the airships this week with the area you have been waiting for. This week we give you the Hammer of the Gods Array Notation: Create Lightning in an array Contained to the circumference of the array and to a length one million times that of the array’s diameter. Description: Never have so […]
Magic Mondays

We stay in the sky this week with the very array that sent men tumbling through the clouds in the first place. This week we give you the First Steps Array Notation: Create a Containment field ten times as wide as the array with a depth a tenth of the array’s circumference that excludes Air […]
Magic Mondays

A tad late, yes, but we hope to make it up to you with a death defying array. This week we give you the Hope’s Fall Array Notation: Float Human and apply the effect of Pulling Wood at a speed of 2 m/s to Human, both only if Humans are present. Description: The Hope’s Fall […]