Future Fridays

The release of The Ruined City campaign book is only six weeks away, only a month and a half to go! With that we thought we’d take the last few weeks and show you the projects that we have in store for the future. Last week we gave you the fantastical magical adventures of the […]
Future Friday

The release of The Ruined City campaign book is only seven weeks away, and so we thought we’d take the last few weeks and show you the projects that we have in store for the future. This week we show you Soulbourn! Soulbourn will be unlike we have done or will ever do in the […]
First look at the Ruined Campaign

Interrupting your Future Fridays with some art hot off the presses! We just got the our cover finished for the first Ruined Campaign book: The Ruined City. If you love it as much as we do, check out the artist Daniel Tyka here (https://artificialdesign.artstation.com/) for more of his amazing artwork! The Ruined City is due […]
Future Friday

The release of The Ruined City campaign book is getting closer and closer, and so we thought we’d take the last few weeks and show you the projects that we have in store for the future. This week we show you Fulcrum! The sister setting to The Runed Age that exemplifies many of the philosophies […]
Future Friday

With the release of The Ruined City campaign book only two months out, we thought we’d take a few weeks and show you the projects that we have in store for the future. And with that, we’ll start with The Sigil System The Sigil System is our own unique system that forms the mechanical basis […]

Our Patreon is now live! If you want to get behind the scenes access to our work and become a part of the Stormforge Productions development process, now is your chance. Become a Patron and help us make more amazing products! Our Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/stormforgeproductions
Our first Q&A
We just finished our first Q&A over at RPGnet IRC, hosted by the amazing Dan Davenport. Click here to have a read and tell us what you think!
Milestone reached!
We are very glad to announce that we have broken the 50 sales mark! We have now sold over 50 copies of The Runed Age and have had dozens upon dozens of downloads of the Character Sheets and, already, the Journal of Array Design. We want to thank you, the fans, for your support and […]
The Journal is released!

For Magic Mondays this week we give you absolutely everything! That’s right, all the arrays we have ever released on social media (and a few we haven’t yet) have been nicely packaged just for you in the Journal of Array Design Volume 1.And it’s absolutely free! So head on over to DriveThruRPG or click here […]
Coming Soon!

Before we get to The Ruined City coming out in June, we’ve got another release coming soon to DriveThruRPG just for you! The Journal of Array Design will collect every array we have posted thus far in a neat and tidy pdf format, categorised for your convenience. If you have ever thought about using the […]
The 2016 Release Schedule

Now that the Christmas season is past and New Years has come and gone, it’s time to look towards the future. The Runed Age Corebook is not the only thing that Stormforge Productions will ever create; we are not a one trick pony. We are currently in preproduction on four new IPs and you will […]
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! To celebrate 2016, we are giving you all a 25% discount on The Runed Age Corebook! Only valid until the end of January, so click here and get in quick!
Merry Christmas!

We here at Stormforge Productions want to wish you all a very merry Christmas! We hope it’s a day of fun and joy for you and your family and friends.
It. Is. Done!

The Runed Age Corebook is now official on sale! Click here to go to DriveThruRPG and secure your copy.
Only 7 days to go!
The final countdown is here, folks! Only seven days left till the release of The Runed Age corebook. To mark that, and because we are such kind gents here at Stormforge Productions, we are giving you the fillable character sheet for the Runed Age. Just click below and save it and you will never have […]