Z-LAND S2 Chapter 3 “Lifeless Tide” Part 1
Our survivors aren’t alone in this new world and something or someone is on their way! The first part to Chapter 3 is here! If you want to get in on the apocalyptic action, you can grab a copy of the Z-Land beta here. Missed out on the previous episodes? CLICK HERE to catch up […]
Z-LAND S2 Chapter 2 “Down the Rabbit Hole” Part 3
It’s time for the final part of Chapter 2! If you want to get in on the apocalyptic action, you can grab a copy of the Z-Land beta here. Missed out on the previous episodes? CLICK HERE to catch up on all the apocalyptic action. ———- If you want to chat about Z-LAND with other […]
Quick NPC Generator
Since our Motto Generator was so popular, we thought we’d give you a few more randomisation tools that you can use in your games. Next up is a Quick NPC Generator made by James from Stormforge West. Just like the Motto Generator, you’ll eventually see this being used in a future game, and that will […]
Z-LAND S2 Chapter 2 “Down the Rabbit Hole” Part 2
With flesh hanging from it’s teeth something horrid charges towards Chloe in today’s episode of Z-LAND If you want to get in on the apocalyptic action, you can grab a copy of the Z-Land beta here. Missed out on the previous episodes? CLICK HERE to catch up on all the apocalyptic action. ———- We also […]
d100 Motto Generator
As we tinker away on our various projects, we also happen to make some things that very rarely see the light of day. The Motto Generator is one of them. It’s too good to keep in the dark, however, so we’re sharing it with you so you can use it in your own games. Eventually […]
Z-LAND S2 Chapter 2 “Down the Rabbit Hole” Part 1
Z-LAND is back and it’s time to travel down the rabbit hole in this the first part to Chapter 2 of Season 2! If you want to get in on the apocalyptic action, you can grab a copy of the Z-Land beta here. Missed out on the previous episodes? CLICK HERE to catch up on […]
The Stormforge West Roadmap
Haunt is selling like hotcakes over on DriveThruRPG and is well on its way to hitting that Copper medal. Stormforge West is more than just one game, however, so here’s James to talk about the future of Stormforge West and what you can expect to see from them. ———- The purpose of this post is […]
Haunt Merch
Haunt is out on DriveThruRPG and is doing fantastic! Now we got something extra for you Haunt fans: clothing merch! Over at Print Mighty and Spread Shirt we got some Haunt shirts and hoodies for sale, and we’re just starting out. Keep an eye on these stores as we will be making new Haunt clothing […]
What mod should be done next
We always have a few ideas for future mods floating around. Unfortunately we can’t work on them all at the same time, so we have to pick one and leave the rest on the back burner for now. Here’s your chance to tell us which mod you’d like us to work on next. CLICK HERE […]
Haunt is released
As the title of the blog says, the Haunt RPG is now released and available only on DriveThruRPG for $4.95! Click the cover above or HERE to get your hands on Haunt. If you haven’t been following the blog posts and don’t know about Haunt, here’s a quick intro: Haunt does exactly what the title […]
D&D Homebrew Initiative System
We normally just post things related to Stormforge on this blog… well we always just post things related to Stormforge on this blog, but we do also play other RPGs and with us being designers, we always think about ways of improving them. James had an excellent idea for a D&D initiative system, and I […]
Haunt is nearing completion
Haunt is almost finished, so now is the LAST CHANCE to pick up the playtest document of Haunt. At 5pm CST tomorrow, the playtest version of this game will be removed from DrivethruRPG. This has been a long an enlightening journey creating this game. I went in with little skill or experience in this. My […]
Synthesising the Sigil System
We have a few mods out now, and one thing we always keep in mind when designing them is to make sure they can all be used together. You can create characters using all the mods, your characters can use the powers and abilities from all the mods, and everything will be balanced with each […]
Archetypes in Haunt
Haunt separates its characters into broad archetypes of supernatural investigators. These archetypes represent the kind of people who would find themselves in these types of situations. The archetypes do three things. First, they determine your starting attributes (Faith, Intuition, and Knowledge). The second thing archetypes do is give you boons. Boons are useful tools which […]
Scarlet Bones is released
The next mod for the Sigil System is out now and it focuses entirely on blood, bone, gore, and becoming immortal. You can be a blood mage and jump your consciousness from host to host, becoming the perfect infiltrator; and shape your (or others) blood telekinetically to form weapons, armour or tools as you need […]