2 Weeks till Sigil System and GLYPH!
Only two weeks to go until both the Sigil System and GLYPH is released! For those of you not in the know, Sigil System is the backbone of the Runed Age, but don’t just expect that we copied and pasted the rules as is from the Runed Age for you. Oh no, we shaped it […]
We want to thank our good friend Rycon for this grand video about our recent Silver Seller ranking! Rycon is one of, if not the, best roleplayers I have ever seen so if you want to see your favourite videogame RPGs turned into an epic the likes of Beowulf, make sure you check out […]
Sweet, sweet silver!
We hit another milestone today! The Runed Age Corebook is now officially a Best Silver Seller on DriveThruRPG! Going from Copper up to Silver is a huge leap and we just want to thank everyone has bought a copy and helped us to get where we are. It means a lot to us and it […]
Sigils and Glyphs
With The Ruined City adventure now released and already a success for us, we are proud to announce our next product set to be released! Coming this September, for no cost to you whatsoever, is The Sigil System, the backbone on which The Runed Age and all our future IPs will be based. We have […]
Playtesters Required!
Every new game, every new engine, every new system always has to be playtested to make sure it’s the very best it can be, and the games we make here at Stormforge Productions are no different. So we are asking you to help us out by playtesting our soon-to-be-released games to make sure all the […]
Journal of Array Design Cards!
The Journal of Array Design is now available in card format! We turned every array and its notation into a European size poker card in order to make it even easier for you to use in your games. Just like in the Journal proper, the arrays are colour coded by their main purpose and every […]
Magic Mondays
For Magic Mondays this week we don’t have an array to show you. Instead we have ALL the arrays to show you. Earlier this year we released the Journal of Array Design for free on DriveThruRPG. We collected and curated all the runic arrays we had released up until that point in one free PDF […]
Last Day of Bundle Sale
Today is the last day of the Ruined Runes Bundle sale. Get it today and you can have both The Runed Age Corebook as well as The Ruined City Adventure book all for only $9.99! So CLICK HERE to head over to DriveThruRPG and grab the bundle before it’s gone!
The Ruined Runes Bundle
The Ruined City adventure book released today and to celebrate, we put together a deal just for you. If you haven’t gotten the Runed Age corebook yet, now you can get both the Ruined City adventure and the Runed Age corebook together in our Ruined Runes bundle for only $9.99.
The Ruined City is officially released!

The first campaign for The Runed Age is now officially released! Exclusively on DriveThruRPG is The Ruined City, an adventure of horrors, thrills, mysteries and suspense! Click here to get an inside look of the book and see what it contains or simply CLICK HERE to head on over the DriveThruRPG to grab it right […]
Five more days
That’s right. Just five more days until The Ruined City is released on DriveThruRPG! Until then, here’s the map of the Grand City of Middelburg in all its glory for you to peruse and use for your own homebrewed adventures, or even to keep track of the campaign as it goes along. Also, don’t forget […]
Ruined City Free Mission
With the Ruined City little more than a week away from releasing, we’re giving you the first mission absolutely free so that you can see what all the fuss is about. Mission 1 appears exactly as it does in the book, with all the maps and NPCs and arrays you as the GM needs to […]
A Look Inside The Ruined City

The Ruined City campaign book is just around the corner and so we thought we’d give you a quick look inside the book. And to start off, the Ruined City and the rest of the Ruined Man campaign books are not simply just campaign books. While they will take you on the journey following the […]
Deal of the Day!

We have a fantastic announcement for you guys today! DriveThruRPG has selected The Runed Age for its Deal of the Day! For tomorrow only, starting at 10am US central time, you can grab The Runed Age Corebook for half price! Tell all your friends to grab it here for only $5.00: http://drivethrurpg.com/product/165870/The-Runed-Age-Corebook!
Future Fridays

The release of The Ruined City campaign book is only five weeks away! With that we thought we’d take the last few weeks and show you the projects that we have in store for the future. Last week we gave you vampires, this week we give you psychic knights with Avalon: The Grail Star! Moving […]