A little bit too zealous
Hey there folks. As is the norm with any website that allows anyone to sign up, we get bombarded daily with bots from across the world that wants to spam us all to death. We used to keep track of it manually, but it got to such an extent that we had to get a […]
Only 2 weeks to go till release!

That’s right, folks. There are only 14 days left until the release of The Runed Age. We will be publishing digitally through DriveThruRPG so keep our Publisher’s Page bookmarked (found here) and be the first to own the corebook as it is released! Until then, if there is anything you desperately want to see on […]
We have expanded onto a new social media platform: Tsu. So if you are already on Tsu or would like to go there, here’s a handy link: http://www.tsu.co/Stormforge_Productions Also remember that we are already on Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr if you want to connect through them, or you can simply subscribe to the mailing list […]

The year certainly has sped past and now we are already sitting at the end of October. This means that the launch date for The Runed Age is getting closer and closer. In fact, there are only seven weeks left till it goes on sale. So while we finish polishing the book off, keep your […]
Alms! Alms!
While we are busy finishing off the next video, let me take this time to draw attention to a little something.As many of you surely know, art costs a lot. And no RPG book is complete without the art that can put a reader, a player, and a GM into the world we are trying […]
The Princes of Middelburg Clothing Range

Declare your allegiance! To go with our new series about the Princes of Middelburg, we’ll be putting the Princes’ designs on our PrintMighty clothing store. Show where your allegiances in Middelburg lay. Show who you support in the eternal struggle for this great metropolis!
Our Clothing Line!

We are busy with the next YouTube video recording, but in the mean time, check out our clothing line on PrintMighty. As time goes by, we will be adding a lot more designs on there, so check back often to see all the new goodies. While I got this time, let me […]
Our YouTube!
For our Friday content this week (and our first official content post on the website), a taste of what is to come: we will finally be using our YouTube channel! In the coming weeks our first series of videos will be all about the teaching you the unique magic system of the Runed Age, so […]