In this post we’re showing you how to turn your current party into a faction.
Getting faction Skills out your party is easy to work out:
And there you are, you’ve turned your party into a faction. It probably won’t be the grandest of factions, but then it is only the few of you thus far.
Until you get another member (that isn’t a player character), there is no need for Specialisations. But, you can already work them out beforehand to make life easier.
Much like Wealth and Reputation, for each Specialisation you will add together the first digit of each player character’s assigned Skill Level to create the Specialisation Level. Each Specialisation is tied to a character Skill (or sometimes more than one, and you can choose one of the Skills to use), so just have a look at the list below for which Specialisation goes with which Skill.
Athletics: Athletics
Combat: Fight or Shoot
Craft: Broad-Craft or Fine-Craft
Drive: Drive
Mental: Logic
Perception: Perception
Negotiate: Diplomacy
Special: Special
Stealth: Stealth
Coercion: Intimidate
As an example: say you have three player characters with Logic Skill Levels of 39, 37 and 41. To work out their faction’s Mental Specialisation Level, add together 3, 3, and 4 to get 10.
Using a party faction
In nearly all respects, a faction created from a party works exactly the same way as a faction created through the faction generator. The main difference will come from the lack of members. If the faction only consists of player characters, then there won’t be any Treachery Events, since there are no (potentially) treacherous NPCs. Similarly, without NPCs in the faction, you can’t roll faction Might Skill Checks to get faction members to come help you in times of trouble, since you are already there.
If you start a faction as a party, the first goal is to get more members into your faction in order to get the most benefits out of your new faction.
And that’s it for party factions; and the rules of Brotherhood!. Next time we’ll start showcasing a few factions to show you what can be done with the system, and so that you can quickly pick up a faction and run with it.
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