Following on from our Motto Generator and the Quick NPC Generator, here’s another little generator for you. This is the Event Generator and it’s perfect for worldbuilding and setting creation. If you want to quickly come up with names of famous and significant events that have happened in any given area, you can use this generator to come up with their names. Then you can build on those names, to create some interesting and flavourful events.

The generator is split into two parts. First decide what sort of event you are looking for, since there is four type: Conflict, Diplomacy, Culture, and Belief. Roll a d10 on any of these to see whether you got a War, a Pact, a Discovery or even a Festival. Then roll a d100 on the Names table to see what the people of your world gave this event. By the end of it, you can have the War of the Elders, the Pact of the Forest, the Discovery of the Usurpers, and the Festival of the Moon.

Event Type


1 Battle
2 Campaign
3 Clash
4 Conflict
5 Conquest
6 Crusade
7 Dispute
8 Engagement
9 Invasion
10 War


1 Accord
2 Arrangement
3 Bond
4 Concordat
5 Contract
6 Convention
7 Covenant
8 Entente
9 Pact
10 Treaty


1 Advancement
2 Breakthrough
3 Composition
4 Development
5 Discovery
6 Exhibition
7 Gala
8 Innovation
9 Invention
10 Publication


1 Blessing
2 Commission
3 Day
4 Feast
5 Festival
6 Martyrdom
7 Miracle
8 Remembrance
9 Tide
10 Vision


1-4 the Children
5-8 the Conspirators
9-12 the Dawn
13-16 the Desert
17-20 the Dusk
21-24 the Elders
25-28 the Fathers
29-32 the Forest
33-36 the Gods
37-40 the Kings
41-44 the Mercenaries
45-48 the Merchants
49-52 the Moon
53-56 the Mothers
57-60 the Mountain
61-64 the Ocean
65-68 the Princes
69-72 the Princesses
73-76 the Rebels
77-80 the Revolutionaries
81-84 the Roses
85-88 the Stars
89-92 the Sun
93-96 the Usurpers
97-100 the Veterans

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