This week for Magic Mondays we bring you an array to control the battlefield and its enemies around you.
This week we bring you the Invisible Chaos Array
Notation: Rotate at a speed of 4 m/s, within an area starting from ten times the array’s diameter to one hundred and ninety times the array’s diameter, Humans and apply the effect of Air, Sound and Light Transmuted into Lightning to Humans.
Class: Utility
Description: The popular image of a footman is one who skulks around in shadows with a dagger and pistol in hand and nothing else save malice and greed. While the first and last images may be more correct than many would want to think, a footman is often far better equipped than with merely a dagger and pistol. Many carry more weapons and equipment on them than what the government provides soldiers, constables and sailors.
One specific type of gear a footman usually carries is premade arrays inscribed on metal disks. When the lead and steel starts flying, there is never enough time and concentration to draw arrays, so having predrawn arrays can save your life.
This is how the Invisible Chaos array is used. Inscribed on 10cm wide disks, they effect an area starting one meter out to nineteen meters out. And when activated, everyone within the area of effect is suddenly, and sometimes violently, swung around the array while the air, light and sound around their skin is transmuted into electricity which will keep them stunned and confused, out of breath, blind and dumb. Seen from the outside, once the array is activated, all that you can see is pitch-black shapes tumbling around the array.
Like the Riptide array, this is often an array of last resort, used when you are surrounded by enemies and looking for a way out. However, there are quite a few footmen that have taken to the new Rotate rune with glee and many times rush into enemies positions to use this array to quickly, quietly and efficiently take out a guarded position while their criminals in arms make their way in somewhere else.
The array have become so effective that some constables have even taken to carrying it around to use when they need to control unruly crowds.
If you want to get more arrays and incantations, check out our Journal of Array Design over on DriveThruRPG, now also available as a deck of magic cards.