Hey there folks.
As is the norm with any website that allows anyone to sign up, we get bombarded daily with bots from across the world that wants to spam us all to death. We used to keep track of it manually, but it got to such an extent that we had to get a spamblocker to do the job for us.
Unfortunately for everyone, the spamblocker is just too good at its job and have been damn near blocking anything anyone does, whether it is indeed spam or not. We discovered this a bit too late and it seems that some of your emails to us and your comments got thrown into whatever pit of fire spam usually ends up in.
If you think this happened to you, don’t be upset, don’t worry, we don’t hate you. It was an honest mistake.
We are back to getting rid of spam manually, so if you were affected, just repost and re-email us and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy!