Release date is fast approaching and to get you ready for your time in Middelburg, for the next 10 weeks we will be giving your a sample character that you can use in your games.
All these characters’ skills and backstories were created just by using the Runed Age’s Character Generation.
First up on our list is Reyes Mata, a scoundrel from across the sea.
Reyes grew up in the nation of Glaasia in the Shield Maidens, but he wasn’t there for long as he and his family was constantly on the road, fleeing from enemies. This was not as easy as it might sound as they were a family of seven. Mr. and Mrs. Mata had five children, four boys and a girl and Reyes and his brother Vasco were twins.
His family was all he knew growing up, and the one friend he managed to make before yet again moving on left the greatest impression on his childhood. Needless to say, his childhood was a scary time for him.
When his family finally settled down in Middelburg, it didn’t go much better for them. The immigrants were in a poor part of time and money was tight. Reyes couldn’t go to school and was left learning about the worlds on the dangerous streets of the city.
He wasn’t completely unschooled, however, as his best friend turned out to be an apprentice monk at the single Neoist temple at the docks. Things were looking up for Reyes and he even met a girl he fancied, but it turned out her best friend fancied him too and a love triangle never ends well.
With his love life in ruins and his family near destitute, Reyes tried to discover a new rune, knowing that it could make his family kings over night. His younger sister, the baby of the family, tried to help him and together they tried dozens of designs. The last one, however, exploded in their faces. Reyes still carries the scars of it to this day. His sister, however, does not. She died instantly.
When his family discovered Reyes lying amid a pool of blood, guts and bits of bone, they disowned him and forced him to leave. For a long time, Reyes sat with a stolen pistol against his head, contemplating eternity, but he didn’t have the courage.
For the next nine years Reyes did they only thing he knew how in order to get by: he burgled houses, stores, warehouses, anything that contained something of value. For nine years he was very good at it, but you only need to make one mistake, and his mistake was stealing from the wrong people. They took everything of value that he had.
He did more than stealing, however, he also found love with a pretty Neoist girl from the Western lands and together they have three children. Through his ups and downs they have stayed with him, unlike his parents and brothers.
Reyes has grown into a man that enjoys exploring the streets, and purses, of Middelburg in his spare time. Unfortunately he has also grown into a man to whom money is everything and he is as stubborn as a mule when it comes to acquiring it. At the very least, it must be said his piety is a virtue.
But will that help him now that he has lost everything and has a family to provide for? Only time will tell.