As we tinker away on our various projects, we also happen to make some things that very rarely see the light of day. The Motto Generator is one of them. It’s too good to keep in the dark, however, so we’re sharing it with you so you can use it in your own games. Eventually you’ll see it in one of our games or mods, so keep your eyes on this space, but for now, see what you can do with the generator.


To create your own motto, all you need to do is roll 3d100. Take your first result from the Word List, your second result from the Joiners, and your third result from the Word List again. That’s it, you got your own motto now that you can use for any character, faction, organisation or who-knows-what in your settings and games.


01-10. and
11-20. comes before
21-30. creates
31-40. from
41-50. gives us
51-60. is
61-70. in
71-80. over
81-90. through
91-100. thus

Word List

1. Advancement
2. Adversity
3. Authority
4. Beauty
5. Blood
6. Boldness
7. Bravery
8. Brotherhood
9. Charity
10. Compassion
11. Courage
12. Damnation
13. Danger
14. Darkness
15. Death
16. Destiny
17. Devotion
18. Dignity
19. Dishonour
20. Duty
21. Equality
22. Eternity
23. Everything
24. Excellence
25. Faith
26. Fame
27. Family
28. Fear
29. Fortune
30. Freedom
31. Glory
32. Gluttony
33. Greed
34. Haste
35. Health
36. Honour
37. Hope
38. Humility
39. Humour
40. Independence
41. Joy
42. Justice
43. Kindness
44. Knowledge
45. Labour
46. Laughter
47. Life
48. Love
49. Loyalty
50. Luck
51. Madness
52. Magic
53. Might
54. Misery
55. Nothing
56. Order
57. Pain
58. Peace
59. Perfection
60. Perseverance
61. Pleasure
62. Power
63. Precision
64. Pride
65. Prosperity
66. Protection
67. Sacrifice
68. Service
69. Silence
70. Sin
71. Sincerity
72. Solidarity
73. Sorrow
74. Sovereignty
75. Splendour
76. Steadfastness
77. Strength
78. Success
79. Suffering
80. Technology
81. the Law
82. the Spirit
83. the State
84. the Throne
85. the World
86. Time
87. Triumph
88. Trust
89. Truth
90. Unity
91. Valour
92. Vengeance
93. Victory
94. Vigilance
95. Virtue
96. War
97. Wealth
98. Wisdom
99. Worship
100. Wrath


Share what amazing, awesome and funny mottoes you’ve created on our Discord server!

4 Responses

  1. I did a quick 3d100 roll and assigned them in order like noun > joiner > noun, and ended up with possibly the most craven motto ever: “Magic comes before courage”. Too funny.

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